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Writer's pictureGary Nelson, Jr

9 Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Life

Updated: Aug 15, 2020

Everyone wants to be successful, but very few want to take responsibility for their success. No one wants to take any responsibility for their failures either. The only person that will ever take responsibility for your life as an adult is you.

If you don’t take responsibility for your life, you won’t be happy with the outcome. If you leave your life up to luck and the generosity of others, the universe is likely to beat you down.

An enjoyable life doesn’t happen by accident.

You must take responsibility for your outcomes, good or bad. You must take responsibility for your past and your future, good or bad.

Learn how to take control of your life today and steer it in the direction that you want to go!

Try these 9 tips for developing responsibility for your life:

  1. Avoid blaming others. Were your parents good parents? Maybe not. What parenting school did they attend? As an adult, it's now your responsibility to learn, act and do something differently. Is your boss a jerk? Maybe. But are you in a job that's in alignment with your purpose? There are lots of things in life that aren’t your fault but are still your responsibility to manage. No one else is going to do it for you.

  2. Learn from your mistakes. Your mistakes are yours. Learning from them is another way to take responsibility from your life. Learning from them enables you to prevent similar occurrences from happening in the future. Learning from your mistakes also gives you the life experience be able to share with others.

  3. Set goals. Setting goals is taking responsibility for your future. You’re choosing the life you want to live and experience. Setting goals also implies that you’re going to work toward them. Taking action is key!

  4. Schedule your time. How much time are you spending on things that don't really add value to your life? Are you spending time on self-care? Should you be researching information for that new project? How you choose to spend your time each day is the most important decision you can make that day. How you choose to spend your time determines your future. Take responsibility for your life by choosing to utilize your time wisely.

  5. Manage your thoughts. Your thoughts impact your actions. If you want to take responsibility for your life, it’s necessary to manage your thoughts. You can think about whatever you’d like to think about. Your brain also produces random thoughts, but you have the power to ignore them or to pay attention to them.

  6. Take all the blame. The most effective way to live is to take all the responsibility. Maybe your ex was an evil person, but you did allow that person into your life. Whatever is going wrong in your life, take responsibility for it. If you’re responsible for the challenges you face, you can do something about them. On the other hand, if you think that they’re totally someone else’s doing and there’s nothing that you can do about them, you’re giving up your control and any possibility of resolving them.

  7. Accept the idea that no one is coming to save you. You’re not a child anymore. No one is going to care about your life more than you do. You can’t wait for someone to save you.

  8. Acknowledge your flaws. You have plenty of flaws, and that’s okay. Everyone has flaws. Failing to recognize them only leads to failure and frustration. Fix your flaws if you can. Otherwise, avoid any course of action that will result in your flaws working against you.

  9. Acknowledge your strengths. It’s just as important to realize your strengths and use them to your advantage. Milk your strengths for all they’re worth!

As an adult, no one is ever going to care about your life more than you do. It’s a big responsibility, but there’s no one else to do it. Having a great life is up to you!

Be willing to take responsibility for your successes, failures, flaws, and strengths. Be responsible for your outcomes. Learn from your mistakes. Your life is in your hands.

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